Introduction Marketing psychology plays a pivotal role in helping businessesunderstand and influence consumer behavior and decision-making. By delving intothe intricate workings of the human mind, marketers can gain insights into whyconsumers make certain choices and how they can effectively communicate theirofferings. This article explores the fascinating field of marketing psychology,its si
Introduction Innovation lies at the heart of organizational success, drivinggrowth, competitiveness, and adaptation to a rapidly changing world. However,the path to innovation is not always clear. That's where effective ideageneration and management come into play. By leveraging the right tools andtechniques, organizations can unlock their creative potential and foster aculture of innovation.
Discover how you can use the Waveon platform to automate your company'sprocesses and succeed. To automate your workflows and benefit from greatereffectiveness, accuracy, and cost savings, simply follow our step-by-stepinstructions. Join today for a future with more productivity. Do you dislike howtime-consuming duties take up valuable time that could be used for more vitalactivities? To assis
Introduction Video advertising has emerged as a powerful tool in the digitallandscape, allowing brands to engage and captivate audiences in compelling ways.With the rapid rise of video consumption, it has become essential for marketersto leverage these trends and make the most of this dynamic medium. This articleexplores the current landscape of video consumption, key trends in videoadvertisi
Introduction In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantlyseeking innovative ways to enhance customer experiences, generate leads, andpersonalize marketing efforts. One technology that has gained tremendouspopularity in achieving these goals is chatbots. Chatbots, powered by artificialintelligence (AI), enable businesses to engage with their customers inreal-time, provide
Introduction In today's digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) has becomea vital component of any successful online marketing strategy. While B2Ccompanies have long recognized the power of SEO, B2B businesses are alsorealizing its immense potential. Optimizing your website for organic search cansignificantly improve your visibility, drive targeted traffic, and generatevaluable leads. I
In today's fast-paced business landscape, where customers reign supreme,adopting a customer-driven marketing strategy is no longer a choice but anecessity. The era of businesses dictating their offerings to a passive audienceis a thing of the past. Now, the spotlight is on engaging customers in acaptivating dance of mutual admiration and unwavering loyalty.Imagine a group ofsavvy marketers in
What is liquid consumption? The term was introduced in a paper by two Britisheconomists in 2017, and it means that consumption patterns are not fixed.Nowadays, consumers do not maintain loyalty to a single brand; instead, theyexplore various brands, reacting sensitively to price and trends, resulting inno fixed purchasing patterns. This is different from 'solid consumption,' whichimplies stan
Explore vital web service Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – visitors, demographics, return visits, conversion, and bounce rates. Learn to select the right KPIs for your goals. Enhance your web service performance and user satisfaction.
Startups often have limited resources, such as manpower, so it is crucial to usethese limited resources efficiently to achieve good results. To do this,efficient project management is necessary. If the major goals of the businessare set as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), then there are smaller projectsneeded to achieve these KPIs, and metrics or concepts are required to managethem. This is
What comes to mind when you think of the atmosphere of a startup? You mightpicture a hackathon with free-spirited and passionate individuals gathering tohave heated discussions about business, or a flexible work environment wherepeople dress casually and work efficiently. Among these, today we will learnabout the "flower" of startups, the Demo Day. What is Demo Day? Demo Day is anevent where
If you are involved in startups, you may have heard about Eric Ries' "LeanStartup" at least once. Our company, Waveon, is also trying to practice theconcept of Lean Startup. The term "lean" means "without fat", which implies nowaste. In this context, a lean startup is a methodology for startups thatrecommends eliminating unnecessary elements, quickly testing products, andmoving agilely. Eric
Establishing goals and plans is the top priority when starting anything. Evenwhen starting a diet, we set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight. Inbusiness, a commonly used term for company or project goals is KPI. The term KPIis used in every department, from HR to marketing, planning, and development.What is KPI, and how can it be applied to business? What is KPI? KPI stands forKey Perf
You may want to start your business right away after deciding to start up, butthere's a challenging hurdle: writing a business plan. In the early stages of astartup, there are many reasons to write a business plan. Startup business plansare mainly written for the purpose of attracting investments (IR) from VCs orgovernment agencies, or for internal decision-making purposes, such as businessst
In the era of multiple jobs, many office workers are starting activities invarious fields other than their main job. They work as YouTubers by filming andediting videos diligently, or write blog content based on personal experiences.They also gather team members from various places to create new productstogether. Today, I would like to talk about side projects that create new valuein everyday
Why are side projects popular? Interest in side projects is really heating up.With the onset of the contactless era due to COVID-19 and the weakening conceptof a lifelong career, more and more people are looking to find a new identityoutside of their main occupation. A 'side project' is a term that encompassescreating new results by investing time outside of one's main occupation. In apreviou
Recently, various hypothesis testing methodologies such as MVP, prototypes,pre-prototypes, and lean startups have been employed in startups to developfail-proof products. However, when you try these processes yourself, you'll findthat they require more resources and time than you might think. Is there a wayto reduce even the resources involved in hypothesis testing? In this article, weintrodu
To run a business, you need customers. Generally, you may think of advertising.There are many advertising channels, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook,Instagram, Naver Search & Display ads, which you may have heard of andexperienced in real life. Why do the majority of companies fail to generaterevenue through advertising and eventually go out of business, even though thebusiness is as simple
Complete guide ever of no code tool, 'Bubble'
Are you struggling with how to start marketing your startup, and where tobegin?If so, start with SEO marketing that doesn't cost you anything! Inessence, SEO marketing means building a website that is search engine-friendly,like a blog, and encouraging users to search and visit the site directly, ratherthan through ads. It maximizes the quantity and quality of traffic throughnatural search re
Discuss the differences in profitability between B2C and B2B models in the SaaS sector. B2C models typically have larger market sizes but shorter sales cycles and higher churn rates, while B2B models focus on smaller, niche markets with longer sales cycles but potentially higher-value contracts and more stable customer relationships. The profitability for each model depends on various factors including the company's specific goals, resources, and market dynamics.
If you are developing B2B products, sales are essential to sell your products tocustomers. Therefore, most B2B companies put much effort into increasing salesefficiency. The reason is that when sales efficiency increases, revenuenaturally increases. However, many companies are struggling to build a propersales pipeline. In this article, we will explore how to build a sales pipeline,specifical
The Lean Startup is a methodology developed by entrepreneur Eric Ries, whichemphasizes the importance of testing and validating ideas quickly andefficiently in order to build a successful business. The Lean Startup helpsfounders reduce risk by validating hypotheses and iterating experiments. Thecore principles of the Lean Startup can be summarized as follows: The Principlesof Lean Startup:1.
Churn Rate refers to a metric that measures the number of customers who havestopped using a service during a specific period. This metric is crucial in theSaaS (Software as a Service) industry, which operates on a subscription businessmodel. In recent times, with intensifying marketing competition, preventingcustomer churn has become more important than acquiring new customers. Thisarticle ai