Implement What You Want Using a Variety of Logic
Set the Actions You Need Flexibly and Freely

Offers a variety of design-related logic for a seamless user experience, including page transitions, scrolling, animations, and audio.

Provides data management and integration logic such as saving data to a database, loading data, integrating with Google Sheets, making HTTP requests, and executing JavaScript.

Includes logic for sending emails, SMS, KakaoTalk notifications, friend messages, and sharing on SNS platforms.
Unique Features of Waveon Logic

Freely set, change, and apply logic
Apply desired logic not just to text, buttons, and images but also to complex elements like tables. You can connect it with other logic and modify it as needed.

A wide variety of logic is provided and continuously updated
From simple design-related logic to complex data integration logic and external tool integration through HTTP requests and webhooks, Waveon offers a wide range of logic that is constantly updated.