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What is Landing Page Automation and How does it work?

What is Landing Page Automation and How does it work?

Discover the transformative power of landing page automation in this comprehensive guide. Learn how it increases efficiency, boosts conversions, and reduces operational costs. Understand the benefits for small-to-mid businesses and explore strategies

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Startup's Milestone

Startup's Milestone

Startups often have limited resources, such as manpower, so it is crucial to usethese limited resources efficiently to achieve good results. To do this,efficient project management is necessary. If the major goals of the businessare set as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), then there are smaller projectsneeded to achieve these KPIs, and metrics or concepts are required to managethem. This is

What is "Demo day"?

What is "Demo day"?

What comes to mind when you think of the atmosphere of a startup? You mightpicture a hackathon with free-spirited and passionate individuals gathering tohave heated discussions about business, or a flexible work environment wherepeople dress casually and work efficiently. Among these, today we will learnabout the "flower" of startups, the Demo Day. What is Demo Day? Demo Day is anevent where

What is "Pivot"?

What is "Pivot"?

If you are involved in startups, you may have heard about Eric Ries' "LeanStartup" at least once. Our company, Waveon, is also trying to practice theconcept of Lean Startup. The term "lean" means "without fat", which implies nowaste. In this context, a lean startup is a methodology for startups thatrecommends eliminating unnecessary elements, quickly testing products, andmoving agilely. Eric

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the Compass of Business

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the Compass of Business

Establishing goals and plans is the top priority when starting anything. Evenwhen starting a diet, we set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight. Inbusiness, a commonly used term for company or project goals is KPI. The term KPIis used in every department, from HR to marketing, planning, and development.What is KPI, and how can it be applied to business? What is KPI? KPI stands forKey Perf

Preventing Flawed MVP Development in Startups - The Mom Test

Preventing Flawed MVP Development in Startups - The Mom Test

Recently, various hypothesis testing methodologies such as MVP, prototypes,pre-prototypes, and lean startups have been employed in startups to developfail-proof products. However, when you try these processes yourself, you'll findthat they require more resources and time than you might think. Is there a wayto reduce even the resources involved in hypothesis testing? In this article, weintrodu - Complete review of the No Code Tool
Startup - Complete review of the No Code Tool

Complete guide ever of no code tool, 'Bubble'