
Recommended Side Project Platforms for Non-developers


Waveon Team

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Interest in side projects is really heating up. With the onset of the contactless era due to COVID-19 and the weakening concept of a lifelong career, more and more people are looking to find a new identity outside of their main occupation. A 'side project' is a term that encompasses creating new results by investing time outside of one's main occupation.

In a previous article, we looked at the advantages and considerations of side projects. In this article, we will introduce platforms that can be useful when actually undertaking a side project. If you are considering web or mobile service development as a side project, please read today's article carefully. Service development is challenging because it involves a variety of technologies.

IT side projects can be difficult to do alone, but if you can find good team members, you may already be halfway to success. Below are several platforms that can help with the first step of a side project, team building. The author has personally used these platforms while conducting side projects and has selected only those worth recommending.



Bside is a solid platform that has already completed its 13th term and is currently recruiting members for the 14th term. Depending on your skills and preferences, the platform will carefully help you with team building and project progress management. Meeting people from entirely different walks of life and working on a project together can be challenging. This platform helps to reduce trial and error and allows you to focus on the project, making it a popular choice. (Bside website:


Beginmate is a platform where team building for side projects and even startups takes place. As a result, it also functions as a recruitment platform, and a variety of positions can be filled, not just limited to the IT field. At Beginmate, you can take a closer look at what projects are being carried out by which individuals and companies and decide on a project to participate in. (Beginmate website:

Sometimes, resources are lacking to form a team and carry out everything from planning to launching. What should you do if you have your own idea and want to test its viability?


If you have a great idea but no development skills, you can use no-code tools to create the service you want. We recommend three no-code tools, ranging from beginner-friendly ones that require no development knowledge to those that allow for more detailed feature implementation.

No-code tool for beginners: Waveon

Waveon allows anyone without development knowledge to create an MVP with simple actions like clicking and drag-and-drop. While it's possible to create simple landing pages, Waveon also makes it easy to implement features like user registration/login and payment, making it useful for testing your ideas. (Waveon website:

Intermediate No-code tool: Webflow

Webflow is an intermediate no-code tool that can be freely used if you have knowledge of HTML and CSS. While it requires knowledge of HTML, the possibilities for features and design become almost limitless once you overcome the learning curve. (Webflow website:

Advanced No-code tool: Bubble

Bubble is a no-code tool that requires some knowledge of development terms for full utilization. However, it allows for a wide range of implementations and has excellent compatibility with various third-party plugins, making it a highly expandable tool. Many people are actually using Bubble for entrepreneurship and service operations. (Bubble website:

So far, we have looked at team building and tool usage for side projects. Side projects may succeed or fail, but I hope that, like a marathon, you start splendidly, run slowly, and finish with a wonderful success until the end.

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