Easily and quickly without coding!
viral Test Creation

A test instantly created by just writing questions and results

Types, scores, and even O/X
tests all in one template

Conduct viral marketing for tests easily and quickly
with various industry-specific templates created by designers
심리/유형테스트 템플릿 - 기본형
심리/유형테스트 템플릿 - 기본형
가장 기본적인 심리테스트 템플릿입니다.

Create sophisticated tests
with various logic functions

Flow Settings

You can guide participants to specific questions based on how they answer

Choice Type Settings

You can freely set the form of test questions to text or image

Result Page Count Settings

You can freely increase or decrease the number of test results as you wish

Easily analyze
your test page performance with data

View your test page performance at a glance on Waveon

You can see the number of conversions for each project at a glance within the project


You can view and check the data and conversion rates for each project in the statistics at a glance

Click map

You can visually see how many times each button was clicked on each page

Analyze data with easy event transmission

Analytics Tool Statistics Setup

Send events to Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Hotjar, etc. to analyze customer data and gain insights.

Script Setup

Easily set up scripts to accurately measure and analyze the performance of your marketing activities. Understand the effectiveness of your marketing strategies through tracking codes, event tracking, and conversion rate analysis.

Unique features
of the Waveon test page

Service Integration

Integration with major domestic services
such as KakaoTalk, ChannelTalk

Waveon provides integration with major domestic services without the need for development knowledge

Test Quick Setting

Just input the questions and results
to complete the test instantly

The quick setting feature matches questions and results automatically without coding

Get started right away

Check out test pages
that quickly delivered results

2024 부스러기력 평가
2024 부스러기력 평가
부산시 소통 캐릭터 '부기'의 팬임을 증명하는 부스러기력 테스트!
마을활동가 MBTI
마을활동가 MBTI
여기를 눌러 나만의 활동가 유형을 확인하세요
나랑 어울리는 간식대학 전공은?
나랑 어울리는 간식대학 전공은?
나랑 어울리는 간식대학 전공은?
모발 관리 진단 테스트
모발 관리 진단 테스트
나의 라이프스타일, 모발위험도 등 정보를 기반으로 나에게 맞춤형 관리방법을 안내하는 테스트입니다.
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