
Introduce your class through a landing page
and attract more students

Use the page for various purposes such as class consultations, registration, and more!

BearEnglish effectively promotes its curriculum
andcontinuously recruits students
through the operation of a landing page.


Park, who operates the ‘거짓없는영어‘ service, wanted to effectively promote a newly established conversation class.

He thought it would be great to have a website that could be directly linked to his continuously managed Instagram and YouTube, so he decided to create it using Waveon.

You can easily create a course registration page
without the need to request expensive outsourcing or purchase tools.

Template Provision

Using pre-made templates, you can easily create a landing page with just one click.

Supports SMS Automation

With SMS automation, you can immediately coordinate consultation schedules with customers who have submitted inquiries.

Supports Simultaneous Creation of PC and Mobile Versions

By not having to create separate pages for PC and mobile versions, you can save both time and costs.

Supports Animation Features

With animation features that bring text and images to life, even real estate product pages with complex information can be navigated without feeling tedious.


“As a solo instructor,
I was burdened by the cost of website creation or tool usage,
but I was able to create a landing page
to promote my class affordably with Waveon and recruit students.”

BearEnglish Instructor

You can manage everything
from customer data collection to communication with just Waveon,
without needing multiple tools.

Customer Data Table Provided

You can view the data collected through the landing page directly on the dashboard without complex integration tasks.

Supports Data Transfer to Google Sheets

With just two clicks, you can transfer customer data to a designated Google Sheets file.

Supports Automated Message Sending

You can send SMS or emails to customers who have taken specific actions, enabling continuous communication with them.

Get started right away