
What is Churn and Why is it important?


Waveon Team

0 min read


Churn Rate refers to a metric that measures the number of customers who have stopped using a service during a specific period. This metric is crucial in the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry, which operates on a subscription business model.

In recent times, with intensifying marketing competition, preventing customer churn has become more important than acquiring new customers. This article aims to explain what churn rate is and why it is a critical metric to consider. ( If you want to check another important metric, please check this article What is Retention Rate? )

What is Churn Rate?

Churn Rate is the percentage of users who have cancelled their subscription during a certain period, out of the total number of users who subscribed at the beginning of that period. It can be expressed in the following formula:

  • Churn Rate = Lost Customers / Total Customers at the Start of Time Period
    For example, if there were 100 subscribers at the beginning of the month and 3 of them cancelled their subscriptions end of the month, churn rate can be calculated as 3%. There may be cases where other factors such as refund are considered in the calculation.

Why is measuring Churn Rate important?

Close association with business revenue

Churn Rate is one of the most important factors that affects business revenue. A high churn rate indicates that many users are leaving, which means a decrease in revenue. On the other hand, a low churn rate means that customers continue to use the service without leaving, which indicates long-term growth.

Marketing costs and business sustainability

Churn Rate also has an impact on marketing costs and business sustainability. To increase or at least maintain revenue, new customers need to be acquired as much as the number of customers who have left. High churn rate means an increase in marketing costs. If the marketing cost spent to get new customers is greater than the revenue obtained from them, the business may not be sustainable.

Compound effect that causes significant revenue difference with slight changes

Churn Rate has a compound effect, which means that a slight difference in it can cause a significant difference in revenue. According to a study, a 4% reduction in churn rate resulted in a 13% increase in revenue after 6 months. This difference will become more significant as the period becomes longer. The graph of customer changes according to churn rate can be drawn as follows.

Customer plateu base on Churn Rate

As you can see, the higher the churn rate, the more likely it is to reach a plateau where growth no longer occurs after a certain amount of time. For example, with a 30% Churn Rate, no matter how much marketing costs are incurred, customers will not increase after 10 month. On the other hand, with a 1% Churn Rate, the number of customers continues to increase and can lead to growth. Even a slight difference in churn rate over time can make a significant difference in determining the success or failure of a business.


Churn Rate is a metric that should be considered very important not only for subscription businesses but also for any business that hopes to grow. Churn Rate can be calculated as the ratio of users who have left among existing customers, and it is closely related to a business's revenue. It can also estimate how much marketing cost should be incurred, and since it works on a compound basis, even small differences can lead to significant results, making it a very important indicator.

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