
Running Blogs for Customer Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide


Waveon Team

0 min read


Blogging is a proven method for increasing customer acquisition, as it drives traffic to your website, positions your brand as a thought leader in your industry, and provides valuable information to potential customers. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why running a blog is an effective customer acquisition tool, and share the results of a Waveon SEO test to demonstrate the impact that a well-optimized blog can have on your search engine rankings.

The Benefits of Running a Blog for Customer Acquisition

There are many benefits to running a blog for customer acquisition, including:

  • Increased website traffic: By consistently publishing new content, you can drive more organic traffic to your website and attract potential customers. If the website is well optimized for search engines, new articles with substantial content will be quickly crawled by Google search engine bots and displayed in search results. Additionally, more clicks on your content will improve your site's Domain Authority, making it easier for your future content to spread.
  • Lead generation: By including calls-to-action (CTAs) or hyperlinks that guide readers to take desired actions in your blog posts, you can generate leads and capture information from potential customers who are interested in your products or services. This method of lead generation often results in higher conversion rates compared to traditional methods like landing pages, as it guides customers to convert when they are persuaded by the content.
  • Improved search engine optimization (SEO): A well-optimized blog can enhance your search engine rankings, making it simpler for potential customers to locate you online. Typically, readers are more likely to read, retain, and share well-written content. Search engines like Google track these signals and assign a ranking score to the content. If a user searches for similar keywords, and your posted content has a higher ranking score, it will appear higher in the results than other content. With most clicks happening on higher-ranked content, it's clear how important SEO is.

The Results of a Waveon Blog SEO Test

To demonstrate the impact that a well-optimized blog can have on your search engine rankings, we'd like to present the results of the SEO test performed on our blog. The test was performed several months (October to January) and was optimized for search engines. The results were impressive, with our website achieving a significant improvement in its search engine rankings, as well as increased organic traffic.

The Results of a Waveon Blog SEO Test

The key factors that contributed to the website’s improved search engine optimization were:

  • Consistent blog publishing: We consistently posted articles about specific topics relevant to our potential customers on our service blog. We monitored results using tracking tools like Semrush. At first, the results were not significant, but as we continued to post consistently, our content rose in search results and we experienced a significant increase in organic traffic from our blog content.
  • Keyword optimization: Initially, we were unsure which keywords would be effective, but after publishing several articles, we discovered the ones that drove the most traffic. We extracted common keywords (in our case, "Side Project" and "MVP Test") from those articles and continuously published blog posts incorporating those keywords.
  • Link Building: Without taking action after posting a blog, it takes a long time for the content to be shown on search results. Even if you use the Google search console, it is not guaranteed to be placed at the top of the results. Search engines like Google need multiple backlinks to determine the value of the content. Backlinks are links from other websites and more backlinks indicate more value. To acquire backlinks, we engaged in link building, which can be achieved through methods such as sharing content or guest blogging on other websites.


In conclusion, having a blog for acquiring customers can bring many benefits to your business. By posting well-optimized and intentional content, we found impressive results from our SEO test. If your business does not have a blog yet, it's time to start now!

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